Teaching personal responsibility, for the win!

Every Monday students have problem sets due.  They are handed out on Monday, due the next Monday.  Anywhere from 1-10 questions of varying difficulty.

Student: You need to help me on #4, Mrs. S!
Me: No I don't, it's due today, you should have asked last week.
Student: But I have a question on this one, so I can't turn it in yet.
Me: That's fine, you can turn it in later for partial credit, it's due right now.
Student: (starting to make a scene in front of the whole class)  But that's not fair!  I couldn't do it because you didn't respond to my email!  How am I supposed to do things if you won't help me!?  This is your fault!
Me: Oh, right.  Sorry, I forgot that when you decide to email me at 8:30 pm on a Sunday the night before something is due, it's my job to magically know you did that and drop everything to respond to you.  Maybe next time you won't wait until the last minute.
Student: That's SO. NOT. FAIR.

My honors students have never struggled with anything mathematical in their lives.  They are not handling a challenge very well.  Hopefully it gets easier as the year goes on.

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