First day of school - Algebra Readiness

In an attempt to make this blog something that is actually useful (instead of just amusing), I'm going to start posting what I do in class, and hopefully share back to the math blogging world some of what I've borrowed over the last couple years.

Today was the first day of school.  I am very fortunate that this year the scheduling lady listened to my pleas to separate "remediation" and "algebra" into two different days, so the kids get math every day, instead of doubling up half the days and having no math other days.  This means that today, I only saw my remediation kids--henceforth referred to as "Algebra Readiness Initiative" or "ARI".

ARI kids come in two forms--motivated, but struggling, or capable, but lazy.  These are typically kids who have negative feelings towards math.  Like last year, I even have kids who were in honors math last year, but got bumped down to regular + ARI this year.

My day one agenda:
-Name cards: Kids make name "tents" and in each corner draw a picture or write a word about themselves.  While they are working I take attendance.  Share out with the class one of their symbols
-Go over the syllabus--this takes 5 minutes, tops.  We will hit procedures on day 2, when we are doing our usual routine.

-"Team Resumes": I hand out poster paper to the groups, and they are responsible for writing a 'resume' for their group.  They have to list out their individual skills, math topics they're good at, the total number of years they've been in school, etc.  Good way for them to get to know each other and brag about themselves a bit.
-31derful: I stole this from here, and I LOVED it!  Of my 8 groups who tried it, only 2 nailed it (and they were so proud!) but all 8 groups had great conversations, strategized, and learned problem solving tactics.  The math was extremely doable without calculators, and all kids could be involved.  Great first day activity!  I gave the kids 30 minutes, which was just about right.  1 group finished in 15 minutes, one in 25, and the rest were mentally 'done' by the end.

Tomorrow I'll see my algebra kiddies for the first time, and give them a pretest to make sure they're where they should be.  We shall see...

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